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​5 unexpected ways HVAC companies are making themselves more appealing to candidates

​5 unexpected ways HVAC companies are making themselves more appealing to candidates

almost 2 years ago

Image 2023 06 08 T14 50 53

We’ve previously tackled the topic of how companies can make themselves more appealing to candidates so in this article we are looking at the subject from a slightly different angle. We’ve talked at length about innovation, brand recognition, salaries and bonuses in previous articles (scroll to the end and you’ll find links to some of them). This time we’re discussing some of the more unexpected ways HVAC firms are attracting good people. These are things that we have seen working well, particularly with companies that have traditionally struggled to fill skills gaps.

Appealing to a wider range of candidates

With candidates in short supply for many HVAC engineering and sales roles, forward thinking companies are taking a long, hard look at their recruitment processes to make sure they are appealing to the widest possible range of people.

One of the first things they can do to support this strategy is check for unconscious bias within the hiring team. Even teams and individuals with the best intentions can be unconsciously selecting certain candidates over others. Check your job descriptions too and make sure the language isn’t communicating to one section of the population more than another.

All employers love high performers and our experience shows that candidates of this calibre do not conform to a particular age, gender or racial profile. What matters is can they do the job. 

Another great tip is to consider providing training opportunities for anyone who may want to enter your industry or company as a school or college leaver or career shifter. Building links with local colleges, offering university placements and promoting roles for trainees can open up your company to those who are keen to build their career with you.

Using technology to modernise image

We are seeing a lot of companies use video on their websites to showcase different roles and the culture of the business. Some firms are also putting together video job descriptions to catch the attention of jobseekers. Anything that uses technology to modernise the image of the firm is a positive move in a candidate scarce market. It suggests an innovative company that’s fun to work for.

Companies that have invested in their technology generally will fare better with candidates too. Technology use has increased in almost all organisations to facilitate hybrid working but many candidates will look for firms that have gone beyond this to invest in well integrated systems and software that automate routine tasks so that they can focus on the more rewarding aspects of their role. If you have invested in systems, processes and software, don’t keep it a secret. Candidates will want to hear about it and it could make all the difference when they’re deciding whether or not to accept a job.

Investing in staff wellbeing

Remote working has brought new challenges to the workplace and it can be hard for company bosses to look after everyone’s wellbeing when they don’t see them day to day. Flexible working opportunities are important and give people the option to balance work and home life more effectively but extra investment is needed in teambuilding and mental health support. Training leaders in mental health first aid is a positive step every business can take to generate a culture of wellbeing. Health incentives and benefits are also useful, even for those who work remotely. We recommend that companies engage with their staff to understand the kind of support they would value most and that all benefits are clearly communicated during the hiring process to show that the firm cares about its staff and their wellbeing.

Improving communication

Poor communication is one of the key factors behind good people leaving a company – and it can also make the difference between someone accepting a job or not. Applying for a new job creates uncertainty for the candidate and any hint of poor communication or lack of transparency can give them the jitters and throw the hiring process off course. Don’t rely on email for everything – pick up the phone and have a conversation every now and then. Times may have changed but good communication will always be in fashion.

If you’ve enjoyed this article you might also be interested in reading these previous blogs:

How to avoid losing candidates between offer and start date

7 of the best interview questions to ask a candidate

How HVAC manufacturers can sell themselves better to attract good people

For help with recruiting candidates to fill your skills gaps and meet your growth plans call us on 01158714777