about 5 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill
As we move closer to the new year, let’s take a look at the HVAC trends sure to shape 2020. The industry faces new challenges, whether that’s emerging green technologies, smart homes and the growth of new tech, or political uncertainty and new legislation (and, of course, Brexit). So what will 2020 look like in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning sectors?
Green Technology
New, green, environmentally conscious technology is sure to grow yet faster in 2020. This could mean heating being fuelled by electricity or hydrogen, or myriad smart inventions to provide cleaner solutions. Innovation in the HVAC sector has the chance to be at the vanguard of change. With growth in the green sector, the market for HVAC will have a big part to play in the rise of sustainable energy.
Smart Homes
One of the biggest technological changes in the home has been the move towards smart integration. Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home are changing the way people think about technology. Rather than separate devices spread across the house, systems like Alexa run within the house. Nest Thermostats bring another level of usability that is likely to have increasing appeal.
Facility Automation
Building automation is set to increase through the new year. For facilities to run at their most efficient, HVAC systems will see reporting methodologies, control, and management become automated. The objectives are to improve occupant comfort, provide greater efficiency, and reduce operating costs.
New Tech – new training
With new technology, comes new training. Global demands for HVAC equipment are expected to increase by 6% annually through 2020. The growth of the HVAC market brings with it extra demand for skills across a company. The baby boom generation are entering retirement and the millennial generation may be much less likely to enter a skilled trade. Companies are therefore looking at the way they recruit and train staff, investing more in employee training and skills programs as they adapt to change.
HVAC contractors can use software, SEO, and widgets to connect with different communities and widen their market share. Software as a service (SaaS) is customisable software that companies can subscribe to, rather than undergoing the cost of developing their own. Further expanding SaaS in 2020 unlocks new potential for HVAC manufacturers.
The Brexit effect
Whichever way you look at Brexit, one thing is for certain – that is continued uncertainty. Alongside new building legislation to accommodate environmental changes, external factors will leave a marked imprint. Whichever trade and legislation deals are settled upon, leaving the EU will have many effects upon the HVAC industry. Readily adapting to new circumstances will keep HVAC companies on their toes, but will also provide opportunities to explore new markets.