over 6 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill
Do you want to be a top recruiter? Are you looking to climb the career ladder and carve a role for yourself that not only pays well but also gives you job satisfaction and the opportunity to develop your skills further?
Over the years, we’ve worked with some of the recruitment industry’s top performers, those who are at the top of their game and who are highly sought after for their determination, drive and results. We’ve identified some of the key traits that are consistent across all top recruiters, and we’re going to share our thoughts here.
Establish what you want
The very best performers know their personal goals and work out what they need to do to achieve them.
Ask yourself what you want from your recruitment career and how focused you are on getting it. It may concern money alone – perhaps you have a specific earning figure in mind – or it may be more orientated towards job satisfaction. Or it may be a combination of these things.
Now work out how to achieve your goals. If your aim is to make a set amount of money in a year, break that figure down into how many vacancies each month you’d need to fill to generate that income. Then create a plan of action that will help you hit your target. Think about what you need to do on a day-to-day basis, even down to how many calls you need to make each hour.
By setting small, daily targets, they’ll be easier to achieve – and always keep in mind your personal career goal because that gives meaning to all your activities.
Work hard, focus and use your time efficiently
This may sound obvious, but our experience has shown that the top performers in the recruitment industry work extremely hard. Not only do they have a fantastic work ethic, but they also use their time extremely efficiently and focus on the most important aspects of their role.
Inefficient working practices can cost you time and money, so analyse where you could be more efficient, freeing you up to focus on the right activities. Some of the ways to be more efficient and focused are:
Have a great attitude and winning mentality
Employers and managers love people who:
Build strong and trusted business relationships
Business is built on relationships, and recruitment is no different. It’s not just about filling one position and moving on to the next client or candidate. Without question, the best recruiters are still the ones who are client-facing, and spend more time than average on the phone or meeting clients and candidates.
Use ‘warm calling’ techniques to find ways into conversations with people that are based on a justifiable and meaningful reason. Don’t sell your services – instead ask clients what the problem is and offer them a solution. Ask questions, establish a need and delve into problems to enable you to offer the best solution that will make your client want to work with you.
Generate referrals, where appropriate, from both clients and candidates. Top performers are highly skilled in this, and do it as a matter of routine.
Seize the opportunity
The best recruiters are opportunistic. They know exactly what they want to achieve from conversations with clients or candidates and they wait for the right moment to seize their opportunity. They ask clever questions which are designed to elicit key details and highlight any opportunities for generating business.