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How creating the right working environment can help HVAC manufacturers stay ahead of the competition

How creating the right working environment can help HVAC manufacturers stay ahead of the competition

almost 12 years ago Empty Jenni Moulson


Here’s the dilemma. Employers want committed and passionate staff who can make a real difference to their business. Employees are looking for job satisfaction, a company that values their contribution and a chance to make an impact on sales and performance.

If you’re scratching your head and wondering where the problem lies, you’re not alone. We never cease to be amazed by the number of companies that are fully aware of the correlation between staff engagement and competitive advantage yet fail to translate this into their own organisational culture.

We’ve talked previously about how HVAC manufacturers can improve their competitive edge by listening to their staff and those staff will be more willing to build relationships with clients and share the information they gather with their employers if they work in an environment that encourages them to do so.

Here are our five tips for creating the perfect working environment to give your HVAC business the competitive edge.

  1. Create a culture of openness. Don’t be afraid to share information with your staff. Employees like to know how the company is doing, where it is heading and how they can help. 
  2. Develop a mission statement. This should be more than a PR exercise to create a snappy strap line. Taking time to discuss your company’s culture and values internally will help you and your staff understand what’s important and how they can support those aims.
  3. Make people feel like they belong. Relationship strategies help to build a sense of belonging which fosters team working and ultimately changes the nature of the organisation. When people feel as if they are an important part of the workplace family they will show loyalty and commitment, sticking together through the ups and downs.
  4. Ask for feedback. The best way to find out if you’re on the right tracks is by asking your staff why they like working for you. It helps them reflect on the positives and gives you an understanding of what you’re doing well, making it easier to communicate your culture during recruitment.
  5. Listen to your staff. Asking the right questions is one thing. Listening is quite another and it means switching on to their complaints as well as their compliments, especially when they have something to say about your clients or want to pass on feedback about products, service or competition.